hello everyone help me to complete the task. the task is to read the output from the field sensors the output is in between the range 4-20ma  i have to take that as a input to the stm32 microcontroller  ...
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void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { data =1; } } int main(void) { Â /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ Â Â /* USER CODE END 1 */ Â Â /* MCU Configuration——————————————————–*/ Â Â /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the ...
Suggest the roadmap to embedded software developer to a B.Sc..,Computer science
I am trying to port zephyr rtos on shakti processor, it s a riscv based 32bit processor. They already have ported the zephyr rtos to shakti v1.13. I want to port the latest zephyr rtos v3.4.0 to it. I ...
As a firmware developer, I’m interested in learning about best practices for firmware development in embedded systems. What are some recommended coding practices, modular design approaches, and software testing strategies for developing reliable and maintainable firmware?
I have a header file (.h) that is included in multiple .c files. In this header file, there is a variable declared as static. Since the header file is included in multiple files, there can be multiple accesses to that ...
I am a fresher scheduled for my first face-to-face interview tomorrow as an embedded developer. The interview will primarily focus on C, Embedded C, SPI, I2C, and UART. Could you please suggest which topics are the most important for me to ...
Could someone please provide a comprehensive roadmap to become an Embedded Firmware Engineer? I am looking for guidance on the necessary steps and resources to acquire the skills and knowledge required for this career path. Thank you!