Prototyping is important in manufacturing by offering a tangible preview of the final product. It allows manufacturers to test designs, detect flaws, and make necessary adjustments before mass production begins. This step reduces costly errors, improves product quality, and speeds ...
Category: Embedded Software Development
This category can cover discussions related to embedded software development, including programming languages (C, C++, Python, etc.), development environments, debugging techniques, software architectures, and best practices.
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Hello All, I am trying to read input frequency at PD0 pin of STM8S105 which is linked with TIM3 Channel 2 of microcontroller. I am using STVD and cosmic compiler with standard peripheral library. Unfortunately I am getting lot of ...
Hello, I would like to know in MSP430 Controllers DSP Library can we use those libraries to find AC signal amplitude using DFT or FFT method. also if any other method is available rather than normal RMS calculation it would be ...
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { data =1; } } int main(void) { Â /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ Â Â /* USER CODE END 1 */ Â Â /* MCU Configuration——————————————————–*/ Â Â /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the ...
Suggest the roadmap to embedded software developer to a B.Sc..,Computer science
Hi, the Arduino Uno will transmit CAN Extd frames over the CAN Bus every 1sec, and also Arduino Uno is also configured to Rx as well. On STM32F407VGT6 side, I have called, CAN_Init() (HAL), CAN_Start() and inside infinte loop. I’m ...
I am a fresher working on STM32F4 discovery board trying to print message on serial port with 9600 baud rate.However after building the the code successfully and running the code, message is not displaying on the com port.What could be ...
when slave address is placed in DR register then ADDR bit set but when control return from the address phase function the bit is cleared automatically . PS: this happens only in debug mode
I have a microcontroller and I have implemented bare-metal code on it like Arduino, stm32f030. Currently I’m on MSP430 and it’s flash is only 16kb. I also have a gsm module sim800l. With my bare-metal code, I can send and ...
I’m using nucleo-f446re for sending data by uart when i use uart2 it’s not working but when i use uart1 then it works can anyone tell me why it’s happening. I using PA2->Usart2_tx PA3->Usart2_rx While usart1 PA9->Usart1_tx PA10->Usart1_rx