I am a fresher scheduled for my first face-to-face interview tomorrow as an embedded developer. The interview will primarily focus on C, Embedded C, SPI, I2C, and UART. Could you please suggest which topics are the most important for me to ...
Embed Threads Latest Questions
Hello everyone, I am using stm32 for RTC where I have encountered with a problem i.e whenever I do the reset or power off the board the clock is working fine which means it is showing the exact time even ...
I’m using nucleo-f446re for sending data by uart when i use uart2 it’s not working but when i use uart1 then it works can anyone tell me why it’s happening. I using PA2->Usart2_tx PA3->Usart2_rx While usart1 PA9->Usart1_tx PA10->Usart1_rx
I need assistance in designing a simple and safe lithium polymer battery charger circuit without relying on any pre-made lithium battery charging ICs. The battery specifications are as follows: 350mAh capacity with a fast charge rate of 1C. Additionally, the battery ...
As a firmware developer, I’m interested in learning about best practices for firmware development in embedded systems. What are some recommended coding practices, modular design approaches, and software testing strategies for developing reliable and maintainable firmware?
I hope I can get the answer from the scratch. Iam urging any documents also please provide in group or ping to my personal mail.tq in adv.
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { data =1; } } int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration——————————————————–*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the ...