Here we implement the circuit with combinational logic In next edition we will implement with sequential logic.

What did we concluded on the basis of above observation…
Let us conclude in a table

So how does multiplication works with Booth Algorithms method…

Partial products reduce in Modified Booth Algorithm

So our code will be
if( a==3'b010)
m <= k;
Now we will make cases

if(a==3'b000 || a==3'b111)
m <= 8'b0;
else if(a==3'b001 || a==3'b010)
m <= k;
else if(a==3'b011)
m <= k<<1;v
else if(a==3'b100)
m <= -(k<<1);
else if(a==3'b101 || a==3'b110)
m <= -k;

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