alokm014 Enlightened
How to Master Array Interview Questions in C?
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1. What is an array in C, and how are its elements accessed?
2. How do you declare and initialize an array in C? Provide examples.
3. How can you find the length of an array in C?
4. Explain the process of reversing an array in C. Share a code example.
5. How do you calculate the sum of all elements in an array in C?
6. In C, how can you check if an array is sorted in ascending order?
7. How do you find the second-largest and second-smallest elements in an array? Provide a code example.
8. Share a C code snippet to remove duplicates from an array.
9. How can you find the missing number in an array of consecutive integers? Provide an example.
10. Explain the process of finding the frequency of elements in an array using a frequency array. Share a code example.
11. How do you rotate an array to the right by k positions in C?
12. Explain Kadane’s algorithm and how it is used to find the largest subarray with the maximum sum in an array. Provide an example.
13. How do you merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array in C?
14. Explain how to find the kth smallest element in an unsorted array using the quickselect algorithm. Share a code example.
15. How do you find the median of an unsorted array in C?
16. Share a C code snippet to find a pair of elements in an array whose sum is equal to a given target value.
17. How can you rearrange an array in alternating positive and negative numbers in C? Provide an example.