
In the realm of modern computing, cache memory plays an indispensable role, bridging the gap between the processor and main memory to ensure faster data access and reduced latency. This article delves into the intricacies of cache memory design, focusing on its implementation using Verilog, a prevalent hardware description language for modeling digital systems.

Understanding Cache Memory Design
Cache memory operates as a high-speed buffer between the processor and the main memory, storing copies of frequently accessed data to expedite future accesses. One common approach to cache design is the use of a FIFO (First In, First Out) structure, where newer data is inserted at one end while older data is removed from the opposite end.
Key Components of Cache Design
👉 Method
Cache design feature methods for finding and updating data. The find method searches for a specific key in the cache and returns whether it’s found along with its corresponding value. The update method allows for modifications to existing key-value pairs in the cache.
Implementation in Verilog
module cache (
input clk,
input reset,
input find,
input [7:0] key,
output reg match_found,
output reg [7:0] value,
input update,
input [7:0] update_key,
input [7:0] update_value
localparam words = 8;
logic [(words*16)-1:0] data_vec;
// Find logic
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
match_found <= 0;
value <= 0;
end else begin
match_found <= 0;
value <= 0;
for (int i = words; i > 0; i--) begin
if (find) begin
if (data_vec[(i*16)-1 -:8] == key) begin
match_found <= 1;
value <= data_vec[(i*16)-9 -:8];
// Update logic
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
for (int i = 1; i < words+1; i++) begin
data_vec[(i*16)-1 -:8] <= i; // some default value
data_vec[(i*16)-9 -:8] <= i+50; // some default value
$display("INIT-CACHE is %x", data_vec);
end else begin
if (update) begin
data_vec[(words*16)-1 -:(words*16)] <= {data_vec[((words-1)*16)-1 -:((words-1)*16)], update_key, update_value};
Find Logic
- If
is asserted,match_found
are reset to zero. - Otherwise, for each word in the cache:
- If
is asserted, it checks if the key matches the key stored in the cache (data_vec
). - If a match is found,
is set to 1, and the corresponding value is assigned tovalue
- If
Update Logic
Another always
block sensitive to the positive edge of the clock (clk
) is defined. Within this block:
- If
is asserted, default values are assigned to the cache data. - Otherwise, if
is asserted, the cache data is updated:- The existing cache data is shifted to make space for the new key-value pair (
- The existing cache data is shifted to make space for the new key-value pair (
👉 Steps to Design the testbench
module tb;
// Declare signals
logic find, match_found;
logic [7:0] key, value;
logic [7:0] update_key, update_value;
logic update;
logic clk, reset;
// Instantiate cache module
cache cache_1 (
// Initialize signals
initial begin
reset = 1;
clk = 0;
#101 reset = 0;
// Clock generation
always @(clk) begin
#5 clk = ~clk;
// Stimulus generation
initial begin
update_key = 8'h01;
update = 1;
update_value = 100;
#10 $display("UPD-CACHE is %x ", cache_1.data_vec);
find = 0;
key = 8'h09;
find = 1;
#10 $display("Match for key 0x09 is %d value is %x", match_found, value);
find = 0;
#10 key = 8'h01;
find = 1;
#10 $display("Match for key 0x01 is %d value is %x", match_found, value);
👉 Stimulus Generation
- Define an initial block to control the stimulus for the cache module.
- After a delay of 101 time units, de-assert the
signal to initiate cache operation. - Set up an update operation by assigning values to
after a delay of 121 time units. - Wait for 10 time units and then display the updated cache data using
. - Simulate a find operation for key
by settingfind
to 1 andkey
. Display the match result after a delay. - Simulate another find operation for key
by changingkey
and display the match result after a delay.
Performance Considerations
Efficiency is paramount in cache design. While the FIFO mechanism employed in our cache design offers simplicity, it may lead to inefficiencies if the cache continuously receives the same value. However, parameterization and optimization strategies can mitigate such drawbacks and enhance cache performance.
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